Update on the planned rollout of the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) – a new system rewarding farmers who deliver public goods
In the 25-Year Environment Plan the government announced its intention to design and deliver a new environmental land management system (ELMS)
Using public money to deliver public goods through simple and effective administration:
- Incentivise and reward land managers to restore and improve natural capital and rural heritage.
- Deliver more for the environment, including mitigation of and adaptation to the effects of climate change.
- Be more flexible, putting more management decisions in the hands of land managers.
- Keep bureaucracy to a minimum, and to provide a more user-friendly application process.
ELMS is expected by the government to help deliver six of the 10 goals of the 25-Year Environment Plan
Defra wants almost all land managers to sign up to the ELMS. It expects a higher level of participation due to Basic Payments being phased out by 2028.
Work on the design of the ELMS has begun, and will involve a process of Pioneers, tests and trials and a National Pilot over the next 4 – 6 years.
This paper summarises what we understand is happening under each of these. It will be updated when new information is available.